Why providers work with Care Opinion


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“Realtime patient feedback and comment must become a normal part of provider organisations’ customer service and reach well beyond the Friends and Family Test.” Keogh Report, July 2013

Our award-winning service makes it safe and easy for patients and carers to give honest feedback to the services they use. And we make it equally easy for services to respond, showing how feedback leads to learning and change in tangible ways.

Helps your staff and patients engage in meaningful dialogue

With Care Opinion, you can get stories to relevant staff immediately, so that they can act on problems as they arise. And, importantly, over half of the comments on Care Opinion are positive. Which means you can celebrate staff successes.

Lisa Metcalf“I spent years listening to patients make the same comments, and nothing changed as a result. That has all changed since we started promoting Care Opinion. It has helped us identify what we are doing right, and more importantly where we could improve. Our patients are happier, we have less complaints, and we’ve found that by listening to our patients, we do have the power to make our service better.”

Lisa Metcalf, Specialist Podiatrist, County Health Partnerships

Care Opinion isn’t about data – it’s about a person, and their story. In the words of one patient:

“As someone who is proud that we have an NHS and likes to defend it, I am always hesitant to criticise. Care Opinion is done in a way that doesn’t feel like making an official complaint but still with an expectation of outcome.”

Care Opinion lets you publicly demonstrate you are listening and acting

Use Care Opinion to publicly and easily evidence your service engagement to CQC and commissioners. Our range of reports will clearly evidence your public engagement to your trust board, as well as other internal and external stakeholders. These can be integrated into your existing patient involvement systems and strategies. Care Opinion works with Healthwatches, commissioners and the CQC, so that feedback is shared right across your health economy.

“Patient feedback is instrumental to the measurement, maintenance and monitoring of safety. Feedback should be collected as far as possible in real time and be responded to as quickly as possible.” Berwick Report, August 2013

Ben Mearns“When the CQC come to visit and ask me if my departments are safe, effective, caring and responsive to need I will be able to use Care Opinion as evidence to assure them that the answer is most certainly yes.”

Dr Ben Mearns, Clinical Lead for Acute & Elderly Medicine, Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust

Find out more

To discuss how you can use Care Opinion to create real impact from patient experience, please contact our sales team.

sales@careopinion.ie or call us on 0114 281 6256