Tell Your Story

What’s your story?

Tell us about an experience of health care or social care (within the last 3 years).

Your story might be about you, or someone close to you. You can say what happened, what was good, and what could have been better.

In the box below you can use words, or some pictures, or both, to help you tell your story. It might take 5 or 10 minutes.

What happens to your story?

We will read your story and show it on this web site. (Sometimes we can't.)

When we publish your story we will email you. We will also try to email staff in the services who need to see it.

Often, staff will reply to you here. If they do, we will email you.

We don't share your confidential personal details with anyone else.

Services we work with

  • Hospitals
  • Ambulances and emergency care
  • Mental health care

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