Responding to stories


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How do I post a response?

You will able to post a response only if you are an administrator or responder in your subscription. You can see your role in your current subscription on the members page. If you think you should be able to respond, but are not in a responding role, you should contact your subscription administrator.

Assuming you are in a responding role, you will see the "Post your response" box at the bottom of the story, if the story is within your current subscription. To respond to the opinion, simply type your response in the box, choose a signature style, and click Send your response.

What will happen to my response?

Before it is published your response will be reviewed by Care Opinion moderators. This is to check that it is legal (yes, we're sure it is!). Occasionally we may come back to you for clarification before we publish your response.

Everyone is new to responding to patients online and, like everything else, it takes practice to write responses which are helpful, encouraging and personal. We can learn a lot from each other about how to do this well.

Once your response is approved by editors it will appear on the site, beneath the original posting. It will be visible both to public users of the site and to any other subscribers if their subscription scope includes the original posting.