Guidance for facilitators and educators


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Planning feedback sessions


Students need access to both the Guidance notes and the Tell Your Story form. These can be printed out or are available online.  Please ensure you are familiar with the Student Guidance Notes.

Guidance notes for student nurses

Tell your Story Form 


Share key messages as follows :

  • Care Opinion is an independent organisation which gives a voice to the public and professionals, generating online conversations about health and social care.
  • Care Opinion has worked with NHS Providers, HEIs, and Health Education to extend the platform so that Student Nurses can feedback about their placement experiences.
  • Student Nurses giving feedback has two main objectives: reflecting publicly on placement experiences in this way, is part of learning about public involvement in services and how feedback contributes to quality monitoring and service improvement. Secondly it informs different stakeholders ie HEIs, Providers, Health Education England on the quality of the education experience in practice.
  • Feedback is published on the Care Opinion site, which then alerts providers, HEIs, and Health Education England so that they can learn from the experiences of students.
  • Each student story is carefully moderated by Care Opinion and they will contact you by e mail if there are any concerns about identification of the author that might have implications. Steps can be taken to further anonymise postings such as aggregate upwards from a ward or service setting.

Placement Feedback

Students should be encouraged to consider key messages before writing their feedback. Depending on the size of the group, this can be done individually or perhaps in pairs or as a group. Their feedback should if possible span the two following areas:

  • Observations about the care experienced by patients you met during your placement. What was good about the care, what did you think could be improved? What did people do and what systems were in place to support good care? What was missing when improvement was needed?
  • How did the placement support your learning? This might include developing your skills or knowledge both theoretical and in practice. It might also include access to supervision, and any environmental factors which either helped or hindered your professional development in this time.

NB  If your organisation is particularly looking for feedback in a certain area or theme then students can be asked to ensure this is included as part of their feedback.  

Students should be encouraged to see this opportunity as part of their professional development.  This is a reflection of their experiences that is shared in a different way and is there to contribute publicly to the maintenance and improvement of care and professional education.  

Next Steps

Students should be reminded that they can now post feedback using their log in in the future.  These might be spontaneous short posts or part of a structured approach ie at the end of placements.  

Students can contact Care Opinion on at any time with queries about their feedback or the process of entering feedback.  Students can also contact Care Opinion for a Certificate of Professional Feedback which can be added to a portfolio or CV.

Please ensure that you are registered with Care Opinion to receive alerts for all the postings that are entered onto the site and contact the team if you wish to run a report of all the student feedback.