Why do you need my email address and postcode?


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Why do you need my email address?

If we know your email address then Care Opinion can do much more for you – for example, you can log in and become a member of Care Opinion.

This will give you a personal diary area where you can keep track of your hospital appointments, write down the key questions that you want to ask the doctor, and edit all your postings to Care Opinion.

Logging in also means that you can ask Care Opinion to remind you about hospital appointments.

But you are right to be careful about giving out your email address. And we will treat it with respect.

Care Opinion will never give or sell or trade your email address to any one under any circumstance.

Why do you need my postcode?

If we know your postcode Care Opinion can do a lot more for you. For example a postcode helps us select the hospitals you are likely to be interested in.

A postcode also makes your comments count for much more. With your postcode we can tell which Primary Care Trust is responsible for your local health services. This means that what you say is much more likely to have an effect.

But you are right to be careful about giving out your postcode. And we will treat it with respect. We will never let anyone else know your postcode and we will never attach it to anything on Care Opinion. (The same goes for your email address). And since we don't know your surname or house number, we ourselves cannot contact you except by email.

Read our Privacy Policy for more information
