Case study: City Health Care Partnership sexual health


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City Health Care Partnership CIC in Hull is using Care Opinion to hear what people have to say about their local sexual health service. We asked project development officer Marianne Cuthill to tell us more.

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How do your users know about Care Opinion?

The Hull and East Riding Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare Partnership has been proactive in promoting Paitent Opinion to both staff and service users.

We are promoting the service to our staff through a monthly article in our in-house magazine and when a new opinion has been written or when a response has been posted we alert all staff via email. We also print off the opinions and responses and put them in a folder available in the staff room for all staff to read.

We promote Care Opinion to service users by displaying the small cards, posters and the flyers in each of our clinics across Hull and East Riding. We have also put the Care Opinion widget on the home page of our website. In addition, we display opinions and responses in the waiting areas in our main clinic at Conifer House. The Partnership wants to demonstrate that people are actively using the site and are receiving responses. We are currently in the process of rolling this out to the other clinics and have just purchased display folders for each clinic to store all the opinions and responses. This will allow the people to browse these opinions at their leisure.

How have staff reacted to Care Opinion and the postings about CHCP?

On the whole, Care Opinion has been embraced by the staff in the Partnership. Our Adolescent Sexual Health Nurses have requested promotional material to give out to the young people they see, demonstrating that staff are proactive in promoting this service in the community.

We have received a mix of opinions; concerns, suggestions for improvements and thank yous. All have been taken on board and shared with staff.

The positive comments are always welcome. It is valuable for staff to know that their work is recognised and appreciated. It also lets staff know what they are doing right.

Suggestions for improvement and concerns are equally welcomed by all, as they help us to evaluate and improve the service we provide.

Have you made any changes as a result of the feedback received through Care Opinion?

Yes, we have taken measures to improve communication about waiting times and what staff are available in each clinic.

One of the main themes coming from the feedback is that the waiting times in our main clinic are too long and that service users would appreciate knowing an approximate waiting time. Staff now write approximate waiting times on white boards in each reception area, so that service users are made aware of the wait.

As a result of feedback, we now display signs in all clinics informing people whether the clinic has a doctor available or whether it is nurse-led.

Apart from making changes to the service, Care Opinion is an important tool that tells us which parts of the service are important, valued and should continue.

Any other comments on Care Opinion?

All feedback we receive is very much appreciated and it all helps in the development of the services we provide. It is an easy way for service users to say thank you, suggest improvements or voice any concerns they may have.