Version 2 API: content


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Content level

The data content available through the API depends on the subscription level. Two content levels are currently available:

Basic: includes basic representation of opinions, responses, tags, healthservices

Enhanced: includes enhanced representation of opinions, responses, tags, healthservices and treatment functions

Detailed content information: API content spec August 2016.docx


Data is returned as JSON, JSONP or XML, according to the Accept header. The default representation is JSON.

Note that text content (story and response body text) is in Markdown format.


The total scope of the data returned is the same as the scope of the subscription.

For example, if the subscription scope is "stories about Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust", then the data available through the API will be scoped in the same way.

Opinion data returned by the API can be further filtered by any of the search parameters available through the web site: for example, by service, location, author role, date and so on.


Most entity representations include links to related entities. Each link will include a rel, id and href.

  • rel describes the nature of the related entity
  • id provides the entity identifier
  • href provides the uri of the entity, where a full representation of the entity will be found