Share your link


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Your invitation link is only useful if you share it with people who have experiences to post.

Once you have created your link, look at the "Using your link" panel of the invitation link page to see the different ways you can use it.

Using your link

Tell your story

The first section of the panel contains the link to use if you want people to use our standard Tell your story workflow. You can copy the link itself, or download a QR code to use on cards or posters.

The first button after the link copies the link text for you to use as you wish.

The second button allows you to download a QR code. Anyone using the QR code on a phone will be taken to the link.


Our kiosk workflow is best when a number of people are sharing a single device: for example, when using a ward iPad or a computer/tablet in a public space.

The kiosk workflow only collects stories about one single service, which you have to set in advance. So you if you want to use an invitation link with kiosk mode, set the service for your link first.

Just like the "tell your story" link, you can copy the kiosk link or you can download a QR code for your printed materials.


You can also use your invitation link to create a "tell your story widget". The widget can bring our "tell your story" workflow onto your own web page.

To create widget, copy the embed code in this section, and include it in the HTML of your page. You may need your web manager to help you do this.