5th December


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GP's in City & Hackney actively embrace online feedback

10 GP practices have been using Care Opinion to ask their patients what was good & what could have been better over the past couple of years. Now the City & Hackney GP Confederation have funded all practices to implement Care Opinion too!

Some of the changes and service improvements that have come from the feedback on Care Opinion includes:

    Improvements to booking systems

    More up to date information on their websites

    Patients feeling more listened to

Here is what Amanda Rayner, the deputy practice manager for The Lawson Practice had to say about using Care Opinion: 

“ At The Lawson Practice we have found that patients have engaged more with feedback when using the Kiosk mode. Many have said that this is a much simpler and quicker process and therefore are happier to use it. Recently we have even implemented a QR code poster in our waiting rooms which links to the Kiosk mode for those who are tech savvy!”

Care Opinion feedback corner in The Lawson Practice waiting room

The staff at The Lawson Practice have created a feedback corner in their waiting room.
