Mental Health; Why it's important to give people a voice

Update from Care Opinion Ireland

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picture of Tracy Molloy

Thank you to all who joined us for our 2nd online Subscriber Chat webinar on 30th June 2021, and a special thanks to our wonderful speakers; Amy Gaskin-Williams, Tom Scott & Wendy McDougall who were so generous with their time and sharing their knowledge and experience.

As promised, the slides from our speakers are available for download below & here is the recording of the webinar for anyone who missed it or if you would like to watch it back:

Slides & resources:

Amy Gaskin-Williams, Deputy Head of Involvement, Experience and Volunteering at Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust: What it takes to really hear their voice

Tom Scott, Improvement Advisor at See Me, ScotlandResource Pack

Wendy McDougall, Community Champion at See Me, ScotlandWe all have a story to tell

Tim Hunt, Head of Safeguarding and Partnerships at Care Opinion: Subscribing to Care Opinion

Mental health doesn't discriminate

Poem by Wendy McDougall, Community Champion, See Me Scotland

"Do you think I chose this? No, it chose me

Mental, physical illness - the parity

What's invisible to you, eats me from inside

There's nowhere to run, nowhere to hide

Yes, I understand the challenge you face

Unconscious bias, like religion or race

But I don't want to hurt you or anyone else

So please don't judge me

My thoughts are about myself

I worry that I'm not good enough for this world

And constantly compare

What's my purpose here? And how do I fair?

Tea and sympathy doesn’t cut it when irrational thoughts take over

So, raising awareness of poor mental health is my four leaf clover

You see, the more society embraces that we're all unique

The language will diminish, no more “psycho”, “schizo”, “freak”

So all I can ask to plant the seed in your mind

Is my wish for all of you, stop the stigma, please be kind"


Coming soon:

Care Opinion's next webinar is on 16th July at 2pm and the topic is Implementing online patient feedback in an NHS Trust: Learning from the Royal Cornwall NHS Hospitals Trust experience.  

The webinar will be hosted by Dr James Munro, CEO at Care Opinion.

For this webinar we will be using the new Microsoft Teams Webinar function. You do not need to use Teams to join us. You can join through your browser.

Sign up here:

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