I had my child two years ago in Mullingar Hospital. I arrived after midnight and was met by a lovely midwife. I was carefully monitored and most importantly I was listened to. I was reassured when I told the midwife that the baby just didn't feel right. At 5.30 am my waters broke and I have to say a lovely young midwife sat with me and reassured me as my husband had left to get a few hours’ sleep.
I was examined at 9 am and after discussing with the team earlier my desire to have an epidural the midwife arranged this.
Baby however was not happy with the contractions and was starting to get distressed. A young registrar was called. She lacked the Irish bed side manner, was rude to me and the midwives and frankly I believe she put both me and my baby at risk by telling me to push when clearly I wasn't ready. Thankfully the midwives had the courage to tell this registrar that their only objective was to make sure that mum stayed safe and baby was delivered healthy. The midwives took charge and called in the consultant. He was lovely he explained everything to me and my husband and reassured us that he was not hanging around and was going to get baby out safely.
Although I was prepped for a section, with some “help" I gave birth to a healthy baby.
Even with the rude and inept registrar (I had to remind the registrar that I needed to sign the consent form as she walked away with it in her hand), I would be happy to go back to Mullingar. The midwives are truly amazing, the anesthetist and the consultant were brilliant. Thanks to a fantastic team.
"Thanks to a fantastic team during Child birth"
About: Midland Regional Hospital / Obstetrics Midland Regional Hospital Obstetrics Mullingar 0201-2300
Posted by mollymomma (as ),
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