I have had 4 babies via C- section. I was treated well by all of the doctors, consultants and nurses. I have a huge problem with the fact that the mother does not get more nurses help on the first night after a c-section. A woman is not physically able to care for her baby on this night. Between the pain of the scar and the physical tiredness after going through the operation, it should be made policy that every woman in a hospital is allowed up to 6 hours sleep on that first night in the postpartum. That would mean that a night nurse would take care of this woman's baby for up to 6 hours that first night. In my experience, although I was given lots of help after my first baby (who was in SCBU for that first night), but after that, was given less and less help with every subsequent baby. The last baby I had, I was expected to bottle feed the baby through the night, I got exactly nil sleep, pulled the cannula out of my arm accidentally while trying to left the baby out of the cot on my own....to which I got tutted at when the blood spurted out all over the bed. Help on the first night after a c-section is absolutely essential for all woman, regardless of how much previous experience she has.
"Care after caesarean section"
About: Cavan General Hospital / Obstetrics Cavan General Hospital Obstetrics Lisdam 0402-2900
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