In May of this year I was in Kerry for my fathers funeral. On the evening of his wake I received an eye injury. It was a scratched cornea. I had the injury before so I knew what it was, it is quite painful and needs specialist treatment. I contacted South Doc who informed me that Cork University Hospital's A&E housed the out of hours emergency department for eye emergency's in Munster. I made the hour and a half journey only to be told there was no eye doctor on duty that night; a Sunday night. I was forced to make the journey home to spend a sleepless night before returning the following day after my fathers funeral. If someone in this area had a more serious injury like a detached retina or an injury that could threaten the loss of your eye they would have been in serious trouble.
"Lack of emergency eye care in Munster"
About: Cork University Hospital / Emergency department Cork University Hospital Emergency department Wilton 0724-1101 Cork University Hospital / Ophthalmology Cork University Hospital Ophthalmology Wilton 0724-1101
Posted by max (as ),
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