I attended Limerick Maternity hospital having contractions, whilst there a Dr asked to check my cervix and progress, and said she will do a sweep. I refused this and agreed to let her check progress only. She proceeded to give me a sweep, the entire time saying-I am not giving you a sweep
It was extremely painful, I was in agony and asked her to stop. She continued whilst saying, I'm just checking, I'm not doing a sweep. She only stopped as i was trying to get away up the bed and shouting to stop. My contractions instantly were worse, immense and continous for a few minutes. I could not even get off the bed or dressed. I was bleeding and doubled over in pain. I feel extremely violated now and still feel sick when I think about the experience. I had written in my birth plan that I didn’t want any interventions or sweeps and not only did I not give consent, but i said a clear and loud NO when it was suggested.
My entire labour experience after that ended up not being what I had hoped, and ended in a c section. I cannot fault any other midwife, nurse, doctor or care attendant I met during my stay there. The care they all gave was amazing and they should be highly commended for it.
My only issue is the violation I felt, in what was not just a lack of consent, but a complete violation of my wishes and needs as a vulnerable patient in that Doctors hands. She did not put my care at the forefront.
I feel if this violation had not been carried out, I would have progressed in my labour in a more natural way, and not been plunged instantly in to intense contractions. Which led to a longer, harder labour, and eventually due to complete mental and physical exhaustion, a cesarean section.
No is supposed to mean no.
"Given a sweep after I had refused it."
About: University Maternity Hospital Limerick University Maternity Hospital Limerick Limerick 0304-1700
Posted by betayf44 (as ),
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