"Markievicz House day hospital"

About: Sligo/Leitrim Mental Health Services

(as a service user),


I'am posting this comment as a way of showing my appreciation to Niall, Maria, Trisha and the staff of the day hospital who have shown me great kindness, understanding, support & advise during my difficult period of illness relapse and treatment regime change.  As a client who has been in the service a long time I realise how important it is to have access to such primary support services to help maintain my wellness and minimise any effects from relapses and am delighted and thankful to have been referred to this service.  I unfortunately had been without such a support service for a number of years since sadly the previous one I used was closed.  I realise that the job the staff do in the support services can sometimes seem to be a thankless one so I wished to show my appreciation to them and can say my experience with them has been very positive.

In grateful appreciation.       

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Response from Niall McDonald, Clinical Nurse Manager of the Community Mental Health Team, Sligo Leitrim Mental Health Service, Health Service Executive 6 years ago
Niall McDonald
Clinical Nurse Manager of the Community Mental Health Team, Sligo Leitrim Mental Health Service,
Health Service Executive
Submitted on 28/06/2018 at 12:30
Published on Care Opinion on 29/06/2018 at 11:45

picture of Niall McDonald

Dear a service user,

Thank you for taking the time to post your comments on this forum and apologies in my late response. I have spoken to all the staff in Markievicz House day hospital and informed them of your appreciation and that your experience was very positive. Markievicz House, and other community teams within the serivce are vital in maintaining wellness and also a point of contact in crisis management and relapse


Wishing you continued wellness,

Niall McDonald

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