"food in the inpatient unit in Sligo Mental Health Services"

About: Sligo Leitrim Adult Mental Health Inpatient Unit

(as a student nurse),

I was in the acute unit recently for nearly three months. I am a coeliac and I could not eat much of the food. On one occasion I was given sandwiches that were supposed to be gluten free, after eating them I got very sick. I think the catering department should be more careful about gluten free food and there should be more options for coeliacs.

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Response from Joy Synnott, Business Manager, Sligo Leitrim Adult Mental Health, HSE 7 years ago
Joy Synnott
Business Manager, Sligo Leitrim Adult Mental Health,
Submitted on 15/06/2017 at 13:04
Published on Care Opinion at 13:13

Thank you for taking the time to let us know about your experience during your stay at the Acute Unit and I'm sorry it has taken so long to reply. I am also very sorry the sandwiches you ordered were not gluten free and suitable for coeliacs. I have been in touch with the catering department and asked that a more varied menu is made available for coeliacs so there are more options to choose from. Thank you again for feeding back to us


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Response from Joy Synnott, Business Manager, Sligo Leitrim Adult Mental Health, HSE 7 years ago
We have made a change
Joy Synnott
Business Manager, Sligo Leitrim Adult Mental Health,
Submitted on 29/06/2017 at 09:39
Published on Care Opinion at 17:08

Since I responded to you a fortnight ago the following process is now in place for patients at the Inpatient Unit. The nurses on duty complete a daily food requisition to send to the Catering Department, The requisition captures all requests for patients and identify normal diets, gastric, salt free, weight reducers, low fat, gluten free.

The domestic staff on the wards are made aware of any specific dietary requirements patients have and the Catering Department will clearly mark special dietary meals so the domestic staff will be able to easily to identify these.

Additionally food allergen information has been introduced on the Inpatient Unit and this information is available on request at the nursing station and in the dining room. All domestic staff are trained about allergens in the Primary Food training for Domestic Attendants.

Once again thank you for taking the time to let us know about your experience at the Inpatient Unit and I hope these changes will ensure the dietary needs of all our patients are always met.


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