I went to my local dentist in Galway for a pain in my wisdom tooth in June-2015.
He found it needs a surgery to be removed & he referred me to a Surgeon.
The Surgeon secretary give me a date in Sept 2015! !
Can you imagine someone have a pain should live with it for 1. 5 Months! !
How many pain killers I would have to take?
How many bad days I would have where I can't sleep due to the strong pain?
For sure I am not going to die, but it is torture from such a pain for 1. 5 Months.
And the reason of this torture is the medical system here in Ireland.
Third world countries have a faster treatment than what Galway has, and this needs to be improved by accepting more doctors to work in Ireland from other countries and work in this field.
"Wisdom Tooth Removal"
Posted by Baton12 (as ),
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